兄と弟 | The Older Brother and the Younger Brother
ルカ福音書15章11-32節 | Luke 15:11-32
野村隆嗣 | Takatsugu Nomura
シリーズ:A Better Way: 福音に生きる(ルカ福音書)
Series: A Better Way: Living in the Gospel (Luke)
English Transcript Available Here
, 13:00
ルカ福音書15章11-32節 | Luke 15:11-32
野村隆嗣 | Takatsugu Nomura
シリーズ:A Better Way: 福音に生きる(ルカ福音書)
Series: A Better Way: Living in the Gospel (Luke)
English Transcript Available Here
, 13:00