2024年 デボーションカレンダー






なお、メッセージはYouTubeまたは、ResourcesのSermon Recordings (メンバー向け)で聴くことができます。また「ニューシティカテキズム」は教会で無料配布しています。Start today!

In 2024, learn the New City Catechism and deepen your understanding of the Bible and Christianity. By doing so, you and your life will be made more certain!

1) One message on a catechism question will be given each week in worship.

(2) Monday through Friday, read the related Bible verses in your daily devotions and ponder the catechism question.

(3) Confirm the catechism questions with your family, friends, and comigles. →This will deepen our understanding and build a solid foundation!

The New City Catechism is available free of charge at the church. Start today!

ディボーション ガイドをダウンロード

- Incorporating meditation into your quiet time - 

How to meditate? Download the guide

- イエスとともにすごす瞑想 -